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This June, join us in celebrating National Indigenous History Month by exploring Indigenous storytelling. The library is currently showcasing our collection of books penned by First Nations authors. We encourage you to stop by and experience the beauty, struggles, and triumphs of Canada’s First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

“Moccasin Square Gardens” collects a series of short stories centered around small-town life in the north, a town haunted by the Wheetago monster. Humorous coming-of-age novel “Son of a Trickster” features teenage Jared who becomes concerned when ravens begin speaking to him. Thomas King’s reluctant detective Thumps Dreadwater will satisfy those looking for a good mystery series. The memoir “They Called Me Number One” and the novel “Five Little Indians” examine the anguish caused by the Residential Schools system. Graphic novel “Borders” explores the idea of identity and citizenship.

We hope these books and others allow insight to be gained into the challenges and triumphs of these communities, fostering a greater appreciation for their contributions to our nation. Champlain Library is committed to promoting inclusivity. We welcome everyone to come find their new favorite storyteller.