Become a Member
Library membership is free to all residents of Champlain Township and to the residents of the Township of East Hawkesbury upon proof of residence.
Children who attend schools in the Township of Champlain but reside outside of the Township may also obtain free membership upon showing proof of residence.
Non-residents may purchase a library card for an annual fee.
Individual – $35.00
Family – $55.00
Replacement library card
Replacement cards cost $3.00 each
Fine Free
In a move to provide more equitable and accessible service, Champlain Library has pivoted to a fine free format. This means, we will no longer charge late fees for overdue items. We will, however, continue to charge fees for lost or damaged items.

New Membership
Renew Membership
Renewal of Membership
Fill out the form below to renew your library membership.